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- #4500
- @001 Please enter the name of the MANUFACTURER:
- @002 Please enter the name of the DISTRIBUTOR:
- @450 Enter the type of merchandise/services to be distributed:
- @452/@452/@452 Initial stock will be paid for:
- 30 day terms
- cash on delivery
- #4501/#4502 The agreement will be:
- exclusive within a specified area
- non-exclusive
- #if#4501
- @453/@453/@453 Enter the area for the distributorship:
- The United States and Canada
- Worldwide
- #endif
- #if#4502
- @454/@454/@454 Enter the area for the distributorship:
- The United States and Canada
- Worldwide
- #endif
- #4503/#4504/#4505 Warranty Service/Support will be provided by:
- Both
- #if#4503
- @455/@455/@455 Service will be reimbursed:
- distributor's cost plus 15% overhead
- under schedules to be published by manufacturer
- #endif
- #if#4505
- @457 Enter type of service to be provided by DISTRIBUTOR:
- @458/@458/@458 Service will be reimbursed:
- distributor's cost plus 15% overhead
- under schedules to be published by manufacturer
- @459 Enter service to be provided by the MANUFACTURER:
- #endif
- #4506
- #4507/#4508 The distributorship will be renewed:
- Upon meeting sales quotas
- Optionally at the end of each period
- #if#4507
- @460/@460/@460 Enter the initial term of the DISTRIBUTORSHIP in months:
- 6
- 12
- @461 Enter number of days for notice of non-renewal:
- @462 Enter number of days for termination for cause:
- #endif
- #if#4508
- @463/@463/@463 Enter the initial term of the DISTRIBUTORSHIP in months:
- 6
- 12
- !464 Enter sales quota for renewal:
- @465 Enter number of days for termination for cause:
- #endif
- #4509 Do you desire an arbitration clause?
- #4510 Do you desire a non-compete after termination?
- #if#4510
- @466/@466/@466 Enter length of time for non-compete in days:
- 90
- 180
- @467/@467/@467 The geographic area for the non-compete is:
- The United States and Canada
- Worldwide
- #endif
- #4511 Will DISTRIBUTOR be barred from representing competitors?
- #4512
- #end control section
- #4500
- /* Para. 4500: Distributorship */
- @001, referred to as MANUFACTURER, and @002, referred to as
- MANUFACTURER produces products in the following areas:
- @450
- DISTRIBUTOR shall purchase an initial inventory from MANUFACTURER
- as described in the attached Exhibit "A."
- The initial inventory shall be paid for on the following terms:
- @452
- #4501
- /* Para. 4501: Exclusivity */
- The DISTRIBUTOR shall have the exclusive right to sell the
- products of MANUFACTURER in the following geographic area:
- @453
- MANUFACTURER shall refer all sales prospects and orders it
- receives that are within the DISTRIBUTORS exclusive area to
- #4502
- /* Para. 4502: Non-exclusive */
- The DISTRIBUTOR shall have the non-exclusive right to sell the
- products of MANUFACTURER in the following geographic area:
- @454
- MANUFACTURER may from time to time appoint other distributors if
- it so desires.
- #4503
- /* Para. 4503.arm: Support required to be provided */
- DISTRIBUTOR shall maintain adequate facilities to provide after
- sale service to the purchasers of the products sold. This shall
- include a requirement to provide adequate staff and maintain an
- inventory of replacement parts.
- Service within any warranty provided by MANUFACTURER shall be
- reimbursed to DISTRIBUTOR at:
- @455
- MANUFACTURER, shall in its discretion determine if service is
- within warranty or not, and shall accordingly reimburse the
- #4504
- /* Para. 4504: Provided by the manufacturer */
- Service within any warranty provided by MANUFACTURER shall be
- provided to customers by the MANUFACTURER. DISTRIBUTOR shall
- refer all customers requiring service to MANUFACTURER.
- #4505
- /* Para. 4505: Service by both */
- DISTRIBUTOR shall maintain adequate facilities to provide after
- sale service to the purchasers of the products sold in regard to
- the following types of service:
- @457
- As to the service to be provided by the DISTRIBUTOR, the
- DISTRIBUTOR shall provide adequate staff and maintain an
- inventory of replacement parts.
- Service within any warranty provided by MANUFACTURER shall be
- reimbursed to DISTRIBUTOR at:
- @458
- MANUFACTURER, shall in its discretion determine if service is
- within warranty or not, and shall accordingly reimburse the
- MANUFACTURER shall provide the following service:
- @459
- As to such service, the DISTRIBUTOR shall refer the same to
- #4506
- /* Para. 4506: Approval of advertiser */
- The DISTRIBUTOR shall either user advertising materials prepared
- by the MANUFACTURER or shall submit the same for prior approval
- DISTRIBUTOR shall take all reasonable steps to protect the
- trademarks and other intellectual property rights of the
- #4507
- /* Para. 4507: Optional renewal */
- The initial term of this distributorship shall be @460 months.
- The distributorship shall be renewed at the termination of each
- period, unless @461 days notice are given of non-renewal.
- The MANUFACTURER may cancel the agreement for cause upon @462
- days notice to DISTRIBUTOR.
- Upon termination of the agreement, the MANUFACTURER shall have
- the first option to purchase the remaining inventory of
- DISTRIBUTOR at cost. In addition, DISTRIBUTOR shall cease to use
- any tradenames, trademarks, or promotional items provided by
- #4508
- /* Para. 4508: Renewal on quota*/
- The initial term of this distributorship shall be @463 months.
- The distributorship shall be renewed at the termination of each
- period automatically provided that in the preceding period $ @464
- (!464 dollars) of inventory was purchased by the DISTRIBUTOR.
- The MANUFACTURER may cancel the agreement for cause upon @465
- days notice to DISTRIBUTOR.
- Upon termination of the agreement, the MANUFACTURER shall have
- the first option to purchase the remaining inventory of
- DISTRIBUTOR at cost. In addition, DISTRIBUTOR shall cease to use
- any tradenames, trademarks, or promotional items provided by
- #4509
- /* Para. 4509: Disputes to be arbitrated */
- Any disputes arising out of this agreement shall be arbitrated
- under the rules established by the American Arbitration
- Association before a single arbiter. The decision of the arbiter
- shall be final and may be entered as a judgment by either party
- in any competent court of law.
- #4510
- /* Para. 4510: non-compete after termination */
- The distributor shall not distribute or represent any direct
- competitor of the MANUFACTURER for a period of @466 days after
- termination of this agreement @467.
- #4511
- /* Para 4511: No competing lines */
- DISTRIBUTOR shall not sell products manufactured by any direct
- competitor to MANUFACTURER without prior written authority from
- #4512
- /* Para 4512: End of it all thank the powers that be */
- Dated: ___________________________
- _______________________________________________
- @001
- ______________________________________________
- @002